- We offer an application form to everyone.
- We review completed applications in the order in which we receive them.
- We may require up to five business days to verify information on an application.
Complete Application
- Each applicant over the age of 18 must submit an individual application.
- Applications must be signed and dated. We will not review incomplete applications.
- Applicants must show two pieces of government-issued identification. One must include a photograph.
- We will accept the first qualified applicant(s).
Prior Rental History
- Favorable rental history of three years must be verifiable from unbiased and unrelated sources.
- No evictions within the past five years. We do not consider evictions which took place five years or more ago, nor do we consider evictions which resulted in a dismissal or a general judgment for the applicant.
- Applicants must provide the information necessary to contact past landlords.
- Household income shall be at least two times the rent (excluding utilities).
- Income must be verifiable through pay stubs or employer contact; award letters for Social Security, alimony, child support, welfare, utility or housing assistance; current tax records; or bank statements.
Credit History
- We may require you to submit a copy of your credit report obtained within the past 30 days.
- Negative credit reports may result in denial of the application. Negative reports include, but are not limited to: late payments, collections, judgments, total debt load, and bankruptcy.
Criminal History
- Criminal convictions or pending charges which may result in an application denial include, but are not limited to: drug-related crimes, person crimes, sex offenses, any crimes involving financial fraud (including identity theft or forgery), or any other crime that would adversely impact the health, safety or right of peaceful enjoyment of the premises of the residents, owner/agent.
- Effective 1/1/2020, landlords are subject to the following changes in screening guidelines:
- When evaluating an applicant, the landlord may not consider drug-related convictions based solely on the use or possession of marijuana.
- When evaluating an applicant, the landlord may not consider the possession of a medical marijuana card or status as a medical marijuana patient when making a determination about the suitability of an applicant. Affordable housing providers subject to federal laws prohibiting the use or possession of marijuana (including medical marijuana) by resident on the premises may continue to enforce those rules with their residents.
- All applicants may submit a written explanation with their application if there are extenuating circumstances which require additional consideration.
- If, after making a good faith effort, we are unable to verify information on your application, or if you fail to pass any of the screening criteria, the application process will be terminated.
- Exceptions may be made for applicants with increased deposits or qualified co-signers at the sole discretion of the Owner/Agent.
- Applicants may be rejected based on the demeanor in which they treat the Owner/Agent or other parties present.